A gamer is someone who plays interactive games, such as video games, tabletop role-playing games or skill-based card games. They may also play social or competitive games. They generally play for extended periods of time.

A good gamer is creative and keen to try out different tactics and strategies. They will keep trying until they find the one that works best. This is a key characteristic for any player and it is something that can be developed over time.

Gamers need to be able to plan ahead and think strategically in order to succeed. They need to be able to predict what their opponents will do and come up with ways of out-thinking them. This is a valuable skill that can be applied in the real world as well as in gaming.

It is important for gamers to be able to manage their time effectively so they can balance work, school and other hobbies. They should be able to set goals and commit to them. This will help them achieve a better work-life balance and improve their overall wellbeing.

A healthy amount of gaming can boost social interaction and enhance relationships. However, too much gaming can cause an imbalance and lead to negative consequences. It is important to recognise the signs of excessive gaming and take steps to reduce or avoid it.

Gamers are a diverse group with different needs and motivations. Some are seeking a sense of achievement and success, while others enjoy the thrill of playing a challenging game. Some are looking for a sense of adventure, while others prefer to immerse themselves in a story with characters and plots that they can relate to. Some are even looking for a way to feel like a badass by saving the galaxy from alien doomsday machines or tearing a demon to shreds with their bare hands.

AARP Research used NORC’s Foresight 50-plus panel to survey a nationally representative sample of adults ages 40-plus who own a gaming-eligible device and play video games at least once a month. The 2023 AARP study examined how 50-plus gamers spend their time gaming, what types of games they play and why, their satisfaction with gaming and other factors related to their experience.

AARP Research also conducted an in-depth, online, qualitative interview with a randomly selected sample of 2,000 adults ages 18-plus who play video games at least once a week and have a personal relationship with a gamer. The interview focused on the types of games they play, how much time they play, their satisfaction with gaming and other factors related their experience. It included a focus on the role of a gamer in their family and community. Results from this component of the research will be available in late 2022. For more information, visit the AARP Research website. AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Its mission is to empower Americans aging 50 and over to live life on their terms. To learn more, visit the AARP website.