The Truth About Gamers
People often have preconceived notions about gamers. They think of lonely, anti-social young men who spend their lives in someone’s basement playing video games. And while there are some of those out there, the truth is that gaming is actually a hugely popular pastime and a great social activity. But despite the positives, gamers still suffer from many stereotypes. Some of these are well-founded – for example, one study has shown that the frontal lobe of your brain gets deactivated when you play too much video games. Likewise, excessive gaming can cause kids to lose interest in school and socialize with friends. And of course, too much gaming can be toxic to a relationship as it can lead to feelings of anger and aggression.
However, there is a lot to like about gaming as it can help you learn new skills and improve your overall mental health. In fact, studies have found that gamers are able to make decisions 25% faster than people without playing video games and can pay attention to six things at once – twice as many as the average person – without getting confused. Moreover, playing video games can also increase your reflexes, hand-eye coordination and your ability to solve problems.
These are some of the benefits that can be associated with gaming, but there are many more. For instance, it can help you improve your problem-solving skills as it forces you to think outside the box and come up with a variety of solutions in order to complete tasks. It can also help you develop teamwork and communication skills as you work with other gamers online.
In addition, it can also help you become more physically fit as you need to move around in order to beat levels and complete games. Furthermore, it can also encourage creativity as you try out different strategies in your game and experiment with new ways of completing the same task.
Gamers come in all shapes and sizes, but there are some who are more serious about their gaming than others. This group is called the Hardcores and they are the embodiment of all the gaming stereotypes. They are the ones who spend hours in front of their monitor or TV screen, plan their gaming schedules and develop obsessions over their favourite titles. They also tend to be very well informed about upcoming releases and may even apply for beta tests and pre-order games before they are released.