The Growing Industry of Gaming
While gaming may seem like a harmless past time, it has become increasingly serious and mainstream. The majority of gamers are passionate, skilled, and determined. Many spend hundreds of hours playing video games and push their cognition. Some even organize tournaments based on the best players. The world of gaming has been changing for the better since the internet came along. There is more to this industry than a few million gamers and its players. Here’s what you should know about this growing industry.
While the 51-65 age group spends the most time watching television, younger age groups prioritize gaming, beating streaming TV and movies. As a result, many big brands have turned to games to reach younger consumers. While this audience is predominantly male, younger people are just as likely to engage in gaming in meaningful ways. In fact, a Google survey showed that 40% of new gamers would keep playing video games even after they start socialising. So, is this newfound socialisation benefitting the video game industry?
The majority of gamers fall into one of the four categories of gamer characteristics. This classification is based on the personality inventory matrix that Bartle developed. The Bartle gamer taxonomy is the most widely-used, and consists of four categories of gamers. Depending on the nature of the game, the individual will fall into one or more of these categories. This means that there are many different kinds of gamers, but one common trait is that gaming is a great way to socialize and bond with others.
The World Health Organization has found that gaming can foster social bonds and relationships. The World Health Organization points out that gamers need to be social to build strong relationships with others, which are a large part of video gaming. Despite the stereotype of gamers, the explosion of this industry has helped millions of people find social connections and connect to like-minded individuals. It also shows that gaming is a great outlet for people who suffer from social isolation or mental stress. The world of gaming is booming, and these games are no longer just a passing fad.
According to Statista, there are 3,24 billion gamers around the world. While the definition of a gamer may still be linked to the stereotypical teenage girl, it is becoming increasingly more relevant and important to the general public. The term “gamer” has evolved from its old stereotype as a sweaty, basement dweller. Despite its rudimentary origins, gaming has become a huge part of our entertainment lives. According to UKIE, females will make up roughly half of the gaming community in 2020. In addition to gender, gaming also includes a wide range of ages and ethnicity. The 18-35 age bracket is largely responsible for this growth.
While the term “gamer” can be applied to any type of game, its main meaning has more societal and social benefits. While excessive game playing has negative social impacts, moderate gaming can help individuals improve their social skills and reduce their anxiety. The virtual world of video games provides a safe environment where they can practice social interactions. This can make them more confident and comfortable in social situations when they meet new people in the real world. It’s no surprise that most gamers in the U.S. gravitate towards narrative-driven games.