Among Americans who devote at least part of their leisure time to gaming, 12% and 21%, respectively, dedicated this time to video games in 2016. And, as the younger gamers age, this share will continue to grow. Although gamers play for recreational purposes, most play to escape the reality of everyday life, relax, and fill time. Nevertheless, these games are also a vital part of our society’s entertainment landscape. Here are some of the most common reasons why gamers engage in gaming:

Gamer Taxonomies: A common taxonomy exists to classify different types of gamers. Using a personality inventory matrix, Bartle’s gamer taxonomy has four types of gamers. Each of these groups has a unique characteristic, so it’s important to identify these types to avoid confusion and misinterpretation. Listed below are some characteristics of the four types of gamers. You may already know one of them.

Gamers are typically males. While women are more likely to call themselves “gamers” than men, they prefer to identify as such. A survey by revealed that around 73% of respondents identify as males and 6% as females. Of these, men are more likely to call themselves “gamers” than women, with nearly a third saying that the term accurately describes them. And in terms of location, 33% of men aged 18-29 describe themselves as “gamers,” while only 6% consider themselves to be women.

Some gamers may call themselves video game enthusiasts. Whether the term is applied to a video game or a cell phone game, gamers often play video games for recreational purposes. The term is commonly used to identify people who spend most of their spare time playing and studying various types of electronic games. These individuals are often passionate about their games and may even refer to themselves as “Game Enthusiasts” based on their interests and hobbies. They may also refer to themselves as “Gamers” if they regularly share online discussions about gaming with friends and family members.

Gaming is an activity that provides meaning to problem and non-problem gamers. It can support work or leisure activities, and may even help to overcome personal issues. But when used as a coping mechanism, video games can cause problems, and they should be dealt with appropriately. Aside from this, there are environmental, interpersonal, and psychological factors that should be addressed before implementing a solution. If you or someone you care about has a gaming problem, consider a few of the following strategies.