The Different Types of Gamers
A gamer is a person who plays interactive games, whether those are video games, tabletop role-playing games, skill-based card games or any combination. The term is often used to refer to people who play games on a regular basis for long periods of time, but there are actually several different types of gamers. Some researchers and analysts divide them into categories based on their level of dedication to gaming, the primary type of games they play or some other factor.
Recreational gamers
The largest group of gamers by far, recreational gamers are the ones that play video games regularly but don’t consider their gaming to be a major part of their identity. They don’t feel compelled to game compulsively and instead use it as a way to socialize with others or escape their real life. This group typically has a low impulsivity and high self-esteem.
Enthusiast gamers
Another large persona in the gaming world, this group consists of people who love the social aspect of gaming and enjoy creating virtual characters. These gamers often spend a lot of time playing multiplayer games and they love the sense of accomplishment that comes with overcoming challenges. They also enjoy sharing their gaming experiences online and they usually have a positive attitude toward gaming.
Expert gamers
The most dedicated gaming group, expert gamers are the ones who make up 4% of all gamers. These gamers love all kinds of games but they prefer to compete with other gamers on esports platforms like Twitch and YouTube. This is the gaming community that you will find posting on gamer forums and Discord servers, as well as attending esports events and watching gaming-related content. These people cite a variety of reasons for their gaming passions, but they all tend to be motivated by competition and the challenge of beating other players.
Backseat gamers
The last two personas are backseat viewers and casual gamers. Backseat viewers are former gamers who have quit or stopped playing because of other obligations or responsibilities. These gamers are still interested in consuming gaming content, though and they are the most likely to say that they intend to start playing again soon. This group is slightly older than the previous groups and they are more likely to be women than men, with an average age of 29. They also prefer to watch gaming-related content on YouTube and Twitch, which is why those who own gamer channels should pay close attention to this group’s needs when developing new strategies. They are the gamers who are likely to turn into brand advocates if they receive the kind of gaming content that they want. Ideally, this would include user-generated content, such as forums and reviews. This will allow them to interact with other gamers in their own language and feel like they are being understood and valued. This is important as many of these gamers are international and it can be difficult for them to communicate with non-native speakers.