While the gaming world has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, some people have a hard time shaking off preconceived notions about those who play games. Whether they’re the lonely loner in mom’s basement or a social butterfly logging thousands of hours playing, gamers are often viewed as toxic and antisocial. Fortunately, that’s not entirely true, and there are plenty of benefits to gaming besides just having fun.

One of the most significant benefits is that it improves multi-tasking. During games, players must keep track of many different things at once, such as their health, ammo levels, their position in the game, and the movement of their character. In addition to this, games often require players to respond quickly in a fast-paced environment and provide them with a high level of stimulation that can lead to hyper-focus.

Another benefit of gaming is that it can help kids develop their language skills. A study by the University of Connecticut found that kids who played video games had a better vocabulary than kids who did not play games. The researchers attribute this to the fact that games require players to interact with text and pictures that are related to real-world events, which can prompt players to create their own narratives and make connections between ideas.

A third benefit of gaming is that it helps players become more creative and solve problems. Creating characters, setting, and plot lines in a game can help kids learn how to be more creative and think outside of the box, which can have a positive impact on their overall academic performance. In addition, the ability to interact with other players and create unique in-game characters can also help children develop social skills.

It’s no secret that gamers are usually young, but there are plenty of older gamers too. In fact, there are 52.4 million gamers 50-plus and up, according to 2023 AARP research. These gamers embrace gaming because they feel it’s an enjoyable hobby that is worth their investment in time and technology. They enjoy a wide range of games, with action and shooter titles topping the list. They also like the feeling of excitement and adrenaline that they get when playing.

The largest gaming persona is the Mainstream gamer, making up 23% of gamers. This group plays a variety of games across systems and genres, but they’re more likely to invest in free-to-play or subscription games and services. They tend to be full-time workers, so they have less available time to sink into their hobby, but it’s still an important part of their life. This persona’s top reasons for playing include overcoming challenges with strategy and chasing high scores. They rank RPGs fourth in terms of their preferred genre, while battle royale sits in second place. They don’t tend to spend a lot of time watching content or engaging in the gaming community, as they are more interested in the actual gameplay itself.