Mental Health Benefits of Video Gaming

Video gaming has always had a stigma, with many people believing it is the hobby of anti-social young men who spend their lives in their parents’ basements. But the truth is, there are lots of different people who enjoy playing games, and studies suggest that it can offer a lot of benefits.

Gaming can help develop multitasking skills because it often requires you to look at an enemy while also tracking your health, ammo, and other statistics, moving your character, and talking to teammates or friends. It can also improve your focus because you are constantly being stimulated with different sights, sounds and actions.

It can also improve your problem-solving and logical thinking, as evidenced by an fMRI study of professional gamers. The researchers found that the brains of these people have more grey matter and heightened connectivity between subregions in their insular cortex, which is associated with higher cognitive abilities.

However, it can have negative effects if played to excess or for prolonged periods of time. The most obvious issue is the risk of overuse injuries, especially in the wrists and hands. This is because the muscles and tendons are used repetitively to the point of straining, inflammation, and pain. It can lead to permanent damage if left untreated. The risk of developing such conditions can be reduced by avoiding excessive playing, using ergonomic equipment, and taking regular breaks from gaming.

Another concern is the potential for gamers to develop psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety. This can be due to the way that video games engage the brain, as they have been shown to trigger a fight-or-flight response from the amygdala in the brain. This can cause a person to lose control of their emotions, which may lead to depression or anxiety.

But the evidence is mixed, and there are some scholars who argue that gaming can be beneficial for mental health if done in moderation. They say that it can provide a sense of accomplishment, social connection, and achievement that people may not be able to find in other areas of their life. They can also provide a form of relaxation and stress relief.

The most important thing for gamers to remember is that they should be consuming their gaming in moderation and trying to balance it with other activities, as well as spending time with friends and family. It is also important to recognise any negative symptoms and seek help if necessary. There are a number of support services available, including Gamers Anonymous, which can provide advice and support for anyone experiencing any issues as a result of their gaming. There are also online communities that can offer support and advice to those in need. These include Gamers Support and Recovery, Gamers for Change and Gaming Disorders Association. The latter is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to raise awareness about gaming disorders and the impact on health and wellbeing. Its website offers a range of articles and guides on how to manage gaming addiction, as well as links to other organisations that can offer further help and advice.