How Games Cheats Are Created
Since the beginning of electronic gaming, players have sought out ways to beat tough games more easily or gain an unfair advantage over their competitors. Sometimes these cheats are included in the game by its designers, while others are discovered through third-party software or unintentionally discovered glitches in a program’s code. These “cheats” can include everything from shortcuts to life-saving magic spells, and they can fundamentally change the way a player interacts with a game’s characters and story.
Some gamers, such as those who play eSports tournaments for a living, rely on cheat codes to make the most of their skills and earn the highest pay checks. For casual gamers and players with disabilities, these cheats allow them to experience the fun of a game without having to master every facet of its difficulty.
While many modern games are designed to resist internal game cheating, older and classic titles do not have this feature in place. To prevent cheating, game developers must write advanced anti-cheat engines that are more complex than the protections that antivirus programs use to thwart traditional malware threats. These engine are typically written in C++ and can be as intricately developed as the game itself, and they are designed to resist offline tampering with critical game files.
When creating an internal game cheat, a hacker or programmer first needs to figure out what type of cheat they want to create whether it’s for ESP (extrasensory perception), AB (aimbot) or another function. They also have to look for a vulnerability in the game that can be exploited such as a bug or flaw that allows them to read the memory values of the game and then modify them. This is known as memory dumping or hex dumping.
Once they’ve figured out what kind of cheat they can develop and where the vulnerable file is located they start to code the hooks that will enable them to inject their cheat into the game. This usually involves writing a script that will connect to the vulnerable file of the game and then modify its function, such as enabling a player to instantly kill a character or granting them unlimited ammo.
Another method of cheating in a game is to run a computer application that hogs the network bandwidth, effectively cutting off a player’s connection with the game server and making it impossible for them to play. This is a common method of causing lag in online multiplayer games, but it’s often illegal as most game servers and networks have built-in robustness to such packet modifications.
While some cheats are designed by the game designers themselves, others are made by third-party developers and can be as complicated as a series of Konami Code instructions that will enable a player to teleport to any cave in the world. While there are many reasons to cheat in a game, research has shown that it can be harmful to the player’s long-term health and well-being. In addition, it can also deprive other players of the enjoyment of a game by giving them an unfair advantage.